Thursday, June 26, 2014

Free Czechmates SuperDuo Bracelet

Linda's Tweaked Stacker

My free Stackers pattern (available by clicking HERE)
adapted into a beautiful bracelet by Linda Genaw at

For detailed information on beads used in the photo above,
go to Linda’s blog by clicking HERE.

MATERIALS (for a 7-inch bracelet, not including clasp)

• 3 yards of 6 lb. FireLine, or waxed Nymo or C-Lon thread, size D (note: pick a thread color that is as close as possible to the Czechmates tile bead color)
• About 250 size 11/0 seed beads
• About 22 Color1 SuperDuo beads
• About 22 Color2 SuperDuo beads
• About 12 Czechmates tile beads
• clasp

Repeat Step 1 to Step 21 of Stacker Band 1 (my Stackers pattern is available by clicking HERE) but with the following changes:
• start with 3 yards of FireLine instead of 2 yards
• use Czechmates tile beads instead of Czechmates brick beads
• do not cut your thread at the end of Step 20 but go ahead and attach the other end of your clasp as instructed in Step 21

Step 1: Go back across through the two seed beads highlighted in RED:

Step 2: String six seed beads and go down through the two seed beads, the Color2 SuperDuo bead and the two seed beads highlighted in RED:

Step 3: String five seed beads and go down through the two seed beads, the Color2 SuperDuo bead and the two seed beads highlighted in RED.

NOTE: Not all size 11/0 seed beads are the same size. As such, if your five seed beads tend to bulge or buckle, the alternative would be to use smaller seed beads along this outside row or add four seed beads instead of five.

Step 4: Repeat Step 3 until you get to the end:

Step 5: String six seed beads. Go across through the two seed beads highlighted in RED:

Step 6: String six seed beads and go up through the two seed beads, the Color2 SuperDuo bead and the two seed beads highlighted in RED:

Step 7: String five seed beads and go up through the two seed beads, the Color2 SuperDuo bead and the two seed beads highlighted in RED:

Step 8: Repeat Step 7 until you get to the end:

Step 9: String six seed beads. Go across through the two seed beads highlighted in RED:

Weave back into the bracelet, knot in several places and then cut your thread.