Monday, December 13, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

If you prefer to stay inside and keep warm, there are lots of great snowflake patterns on the Web to keep you busy.

Sandra Halpenny is the queen of the beaded snowflake, and along with a great many snowflake patterns and e-books for sale on her Web site (Sandra D. Halpenny Bead Weaving Patterns), she's also got some freebies up:

Mini Snowflake #1:

and the Mini Snowflake #3:


Michelle Skobel has a free Tila Snowflake Pattern: has a Beaded Snowflake Star Project:

If you know how to crochet, here are instructions for a lovely tatted Bead Snowflake designed by Sharon Briggs:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New free pattern from Centperles blog

If you can read French, or even if you can't but can follow along with the illustrations, Centperles blog has a new free pattern out called Marigold. To download the PDF, just click on the text "Marigold" underneath the phrase "et en PDF" below the photo: