Astral Bracelet
created for the gorgeous new Czech 8x6mm Baroque oval two-hole
cabochons, this design also works perfectly with 7mm Baroque round
two-hole cabochons and 7mm round Czechmates two-hole cabochons. The
stitch is very easy—basically a modified right-angle weave—and along
with the two-hole cabochons, all you need are some size 11 seed beads
and 3mm fire-polished beads.
(for a 7 to 7.5-inch bracelet, not including the length of your clasp)
• 3 yards of 6 lb. FireLine
• About 300 size 11/0 Miyuki rocaille seed beads (Toho may be a bit too fat)
• About 28 size 3mm fire-polished beads
• About 12 two-hole cabochons (8x6mm Baroque oval cabochons, 7mm Baroque round cabochons or 7mm round Czechmates cabochons)
• clasp

Step 1: Thread your needle with about 3 yards of FireLine (or start with a length that you feel comfortable working with and add more as you need it).
Leaving about a 10-inch tail for attaching one end of your clasp, string a seed bead, a fire-polished bead and a seed bead. Go up through the right hole of a two-hole cabochon bead.
String a seed bead, a fire-polished bead and a seed bead. Go down through the left hole of the two-hole cabochon bead that you just added.
Tie the beads together using a tight double knot:

Step 2: Go back around through the seed bead, the fire-polished bead, the seed bead, the right hole of the two-hole cabochon bead, the seed bead, the fire-polished bead and the seed bead that you added in the last step:

Step 3: String six seed beads.
NOTE: If you are using Toho brand rocaille seed beads, which are a bit fatter than the Miyuki brand seed beads, you may only need five seed beads in this step and the next. If your rocaille seed beads, or your two-hole cabochon beads, are on the small size, you may need to add seven seed beads in this step and the next. Go with what fits best as you surround the cabochons with seed beads.
Go around (but NOT through) the left side of the two-hole cabochon bead and across through the seed bead, the fire-polished bead and the seed bead below the cabochon (highlighted in RED):

Step 4: String six more seed beads.
Go around (but NOT through) the right side of the two-hole cabochon bead and across through the seed bead and the fire-polished bead above the cabochon (highlighted in RED):

Step 5: Go back around through the seed beads and fire-polished beads that surround the two-hole cabochon (highlighted in RED):

Step 6: String two seed beads, a fire-polished bead and two more seed beads.
Go around and back across through the fire-polished bead that you just exited (highlighted in RED):

Step 7: Go back around through the beads that you just added (highlighted in RED):

Step 8: Go back around through the two seed beads, the fire-polished bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED:

Step 9: String a seed bead. Go across through the seed bead, the fire-polished bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED.
The seed bead that you just added should sit beside the two seed beads on the right so that the trio of seed beads form a nice point, or picot, as you pull tight:

Step 10: String another seed bead. Go across through the seed bead and fire-polished bead highlighted in RED.
The seed bead that you just added should sit beside the two seed beads on the left so that the trio of seed beads form a nice point, or picot, as you pull tight:

Step 11: To add the next two-hole cabochon, string a seed bead.
Go up through the right hole of a new two-hole cabochon bead.
String a seed bead, a fire-polished bead and a seed bead.
Go down through the left hole of the two-hole cabochon bead that you just added.
String another seed bead. Go across through the fire-polished bead that you exited at the end of the last step (highlighted in RED):

Step 12: Go back up and around through the seed bead, the right hole of the two-hole cabochon bead, the seed bead, the fire-polished bead and the seed bead that you added in the last step:

Step 13: String six seed beads.
NOTE: Again, if you are using Toho brand rocaille seed beads, which are a bit fatter than the Miyuki brand seed beads, you may only need five seed beads in this step and the next. If your rocaille seed beads, or your two-hole cabochon beads, are on the small size, you may need to add seven seed beads in this step and the next. Go with what fits best as you surround the cabochons with seed beads.
Go around (but NOT through) the left side of the two-hole cabochon bead and across through the seed bead, the fire-polished bead and the seed bead below the cabochon (highlighted in RED):

Step 14: String six more seed beads.
Go around (but NOT through) the right side of the two-hole cabochon bead and across through the seed bead and the fire-polished bead above the cabochon (highlighted in RED):

Step 15: Go back around through the seed beads and fire-polished beads that surround the two-hole cabochon (highlighted in RED):

Step 16: Repeat Step 6 to Step 15 until your bracelet is the length you want it, minus about a third-inch and the length of your clasp:

Step 17: To attach one end of your clasp, string a seed bead, a fire-polished bead and two seed beads.
Go through your clasp and back down through the last seed bead that you just added:

NOTE: If you want to make your bracelet longer, just add more beads in this step and the next. If you want to make it shorter, just use all seed beads instead of a mix of fire-polished and seed beads.
Step 18: String a seed bead, a fire-polished bead and a seed bead. Go back across through the fire-polished bead at the end of the bracelet (highlighted in RED):

Step 19: Go back around through the beads highlighted in RED and your clasp several times:

Weave back into the bracelet, knot in several places and cut your thread.
Step 20: To attach the clasp to the other side of the bracelet, thread your needle with the tail from Step 1.
Go across through the seed bead and fire-polished bead highlighted in RED:

Repeat Step 17 to Step 19.
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